Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chocolate Custard Cupcake Pies

 I told you! I told you I'd get the post about the Chocolate Custard Cupcake Pies up today. And I will.

But I've got two finals tomorrow, one the day after, and a lab report due, so please bear with my briefness today.

The Hooks and Needles Eboard party was a great success. I think I may be able to do this whole leadership thing after all.

It is, however, exhausting...

So, less whining, more pies.

 Chocolate Custard Cupcake Pies
  • 2 Pillsbury Frozen Pie Crusts
  • 1 Batch of Chocolate Custard (I talked about that yesterday--right here.) 
Cut circles of defrosted pie dough slightly larger than your muffin tin.

Push these into a greased muffin tin. 
Now, here's where you should not be like me. Poke holes with a fork in the bottom of each of your mini pie crusts, and bake as the packages instructs for a fruit pie.

They bottoms of the crusts will not cook with the custard. I had to finish mine in a frying pan. Don't be like me, pre-bake.

After the crusts come out,  ladle your custard mixture in to each tiny little pie crust.

Place your muffin tin into a roasting pan full of water (or any other large, oven safe dish that your muffin tin will fit into. Be sure to check before you pour the custard to make sure you have something that will fit) and bake at 300 degrees for 35 minutes, or until they jiggle without sloshing.

Bring to room temperature and then stick the entire muffin tin in the fridge.

Once cooled for about an hour, you should be able to take your tiny pies out by running a knife around the edge of the muffin tin and using a spoon to pull the pie out.
I think they came out great... they'd be in better shape if I pre-baked.
Oh well. Lesson learned. They were still very tasty.

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