I feel like the meals around Thanksgiving dinner always get ignored. No one has ham on Thanksgiving eve like Christmas eve. Nor are there Pinterest boards filled with ideas for Thanksgiving breakfasts.
So here is an idea.
It worked out great today. It finished just as my mom finished prepping the turkey to go in the oven.
I also made the dough the night before. I should have also filled and stacked the bread before I went to bed and let it do it's final rise in the fridge overnight.
If you do it that way, all it takes is 30 minutes to have a delicious warm breakfast.
I used the Pioneer Woman's Pull Apart Bread recipe for the dough, then made a blueberry filling.
The one thing I learned today is that blueberries roll... Go figure.
Anyways, I highly recommend mashing the blueberries into the sugar before spreading the filling on to your dough, or cheating by cutting all of the squares and putting the filling in between one by one.
Trust me, round sugar covered blueberries were flying everywhere this morning.
Blueberry Filling for Pull Apart Bread
- 1/2 Cup of Sugar
- 1 and a 1/2 Cups of Frozen Blueberries
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
- 1 Teaspoon Orange Juice, optional
For the rest of the bread, I followed the Pioneer Woman's instructions exactly.
Be warned, this made a lot of dough. I had to break out 2 mini loaf pans after I filled a large one.
I hope you enjoy the bread!
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