I'm sorry. School happens. Life happens. And now I am sick. Which, while stops me from being able to completely focus on my Biochemistry of Plants studying.
In my daily travels, I have found a new addiction. Pinterest.
Pinterest is a wonderful place to find dinner ideas, at least that's mostly what I use it for. I frequent the Food and Drink category, on the look out for tasty things. Do be warned. Everything looks tasty. Pinterest has lead me to some very amazing blogs, which I will now show you.
English Muffin Bread : onegoodthingbyjillee - I have a loaf sitting on my counter as we speak. It will not be there for long.
Chicken Gyros : The Girl Who Ate Everything - These were so wonderful we made them twice in 2 weeks. I have a very picky college crowd on my hands. That rarely happens for anything that isn't pizza.
Chicken Tortilla Casserole : Eat Better America - This did not turn out pretty, but boy was it tasty. I used a can of Rotel instead of chopping up tomatos and threw in some frozen corn. Very good.
I feel like Pinterest gives everyone a unique oppurtunity to share the awesome things they find on the internet with people who are looking to do the same sort of awesome things. Let's face it, all of my facebook friends could care less what cool recipe I found online, but I feel like the people at Pinterest do. I hope you check out some of the links as well as Pinterest.